#XOM (ExxonMobil Corporation). Tipo de cambio y gráficos en línea.
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25 Mar 2025 21:59
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Exxon Mobil Corporation (Exxon Mobil), incorporated in 1882, is a manufacturer and marketer of commodity petrochemicals, including olefins, aromatics, polyethylene and polypropylene plastics and a range of specialty products. It also has interests in electric power generation facilities. The Company has a number of divisions and affiliates with names that include ExxonMobil, Exxon, Esso or Mobil. Divisions and affiliated companies of ExxonMobil operate or market products in the United States and other countries of the world. Their principal business is energy, involving exploration for, and production of, crude oil and natural gas, manufacture of petroleum products and transportation and sale of crude oil, natural gas and petroleum products. In June 2011, the Company acquired Phillips Resources and related company TWP Inc. In October 2011, Cosan SA Industria e Comercio bought the distribution assets of Exxon Mobil in Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay. In January 2012, Apache Corporation acquired Exxon Mobil's Mobil North Sea Limited assets including the Beryl field and related properties.
Syncrude is a joint venture established to recover shallow deposits of oil sands using open-pit mining methods to extract the crude bitumen, and then upgrade it to produce a light, sweet, synthetic crude oil. Imperial Oil Limited is the owner of a 25% interest in the joint venture. Exxon Mobil Corporation has a 69.6% interest in Imperial Oil Limited. During the year ended December 31, 2011, the Company’s share of net production of synthetic crude oil was about 67,000 barrels per day and share of net acreage was about 63 thousand acres in the Athabasca oil sands deposit. The Kearl project is a joint venture established to recover shallow deposits of oil sands using open-pit mining methods to extract the crude bitumen. Imperial Oil Limited holds a 70.96% interest in the joint venture and ExxonMobil Canada Properties holds the other 29.04%. Exxon Mobil Corporation has a 69.6% interest in Imperial Oil Limited and a 100% interest in ExxonMobil Canada Properties. Kearl comprises six oil sands leases covering about 48 thousand acres in the Athabasca oil sands deposit. The Kearl project is located approximately 40 miles north of Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada.
United States
As of December 31, 2011, ExxonMobil’s acreage holdings in the United States totaled 15.6 million net acres, of which 1.9 million net acres were offshore. ExxonMobil was active in areas onshore and offshore in the lower 48 states and in Alaska. During 2011, 1,318.0 net exploration and development wells were completed in the inland lower 48 states, including development activities in the Barnett Shale of North Texas, the Freestone Trend of East Texas, the Haynesville Shale of Texas and Louisiana, the Fayetteville Shale of Arkansas, the Woodford Shale of Oklahoma, the Bakken oil play in North Dakota and Montana, the Marcellus Shale of Pennsylvania and West Virginia, the Eagle Ford Shale of South Texas, the Piceance Basin of Colorado, the San Joaquin Basin of California and the Permian Basin of West Texas. ExxonMobil’s net acreage in the Gulf of Mexico during 2011 was 1.8 million acres. A total of 1.3 net exploration and development wells were completed during 2011 after the offshore drilling moratorium was lifted. Participation in Alaska production and development continued and a total of 13.6 net development wells were completed in 2011.
Canada/South America
As of December 31, 2011, ExxonMobil’s acreage holdings in Canada totaled 5.2 million net acres, of which 1.5 million net acres were offshore. A total of 124.2 net exploration and development wells were completed during 2011. As of December 31, 2011, ExxonMobil’s in situ bitumen acreage holdings totaled 0.5 million net onshore acres. A total of 34 net development wells were completed during 2011. ExxonMobil’s net acreage in Argentina totaled one million onshore acres as of 2011, and there were 1.3 net development wells completed during 2011.
As of December 31, 2011, a total of 4.8 million net onshore acres and 0.1 million net offshore acres in Germany were held by ExxonMobil, with 7.3 net exploration and development wells completed during 2011. ExxonMobil’s net interest in licenses totaled approximately 1.6 million acres in Netherlands in 2011, of which 1.2 million acres are onshore. A total of 11.1 net exploration and development wells were completed during 2011. ExxonMobil’s net interest in licenses in 2011, in Norway totaled approximately 1.0 million acres, all offshore. ExxonMobil participated in 2.4 net exploration and development well completions in 2011. ExxonMobil’s net interest in licenses in 2011, totaled approximately 0.3 million acres in United Kingdom, all offshore. A total of 0.8 net development wells were completed during 2011.
As of December 31, 2011, ExxonMobil’s acreage holdings in Angola totaled 0.6 million net offshore acres, and 5.2 net exploration and development wells were completed during 2011. The Angola Gas Gathering project was completed in 2011, and project work continued on Kizomba Satellites Phase 1. On the non-operated Block 17, the Pazflor project started up in 2011, and work continued on the Cravo-Lirio-Orquidea-Violeta project. Development drilling continued at Dalia, Girassol and Rosa in 2011. On the non-operated Block 31, project work continued on the Plutao-Saturno-Venus-Marte project during 2011. ExxonMobil’s net 2011, acreage holdings in Chad consisted of 46 thousand onshore acres, with 28 net development wells completed during 2011. ExxonMobil’s acreage in Equatorial Guinea totaled 0.1 million net offshore acres during 2011, with 3.8 net development wells completed during 2011. ExxonMobil’s net acreage totaled 1.0 million offshore acres in Nigeria during 2011, with 7.3 net exploration and development wells completed during 2011.
In 2011, ExxonMobil’s net acreage totaled nine thousand offshore acres in Azerbaijan. A total of 0.5 net development wells were completed during 2011. During 2011, work continued on the Chirag Oil project. In 2011, ExxonMobil had 5.2 million net acres, 3.4 million net acres offshore and 1.8 million net acres onshore in Indonesia. A total of 3.4 net exploration wells were completed during 2011. During 2011, ExxonMobil’s onshore acreage was 0.9 million net acres in Iraq. A total of 20.8 net development wells were completed at the West Qurna Phase I oil field during 2011. ExxonMobil’s net acreage totaled 0.1 million acres onshore and 0.2 million acres offshore during 2011 in Kazakhstan. ExxonMobil had interests in production sharing contracts covering 0.5 million net acres offshore in Malaysia during 2011. During 2011, a total of 8.5 net development wells were completed.
The Company, through its joint ventures with Qatar Petroleum, ExxonMobil’s net acreage totaled 65 thousand acres in Qatar during 2011. During 2011, a total of 0.4 net development wells were completed. ExxonMobil participated in 61.8 million tons per year gross liquefied natural gas capacity in 2011. ExxonMobil’s net acreage in the Republic of Yemen production sharing areas totaled 10 thousand acres onshore during 2011. ExxonMobil’s net acreage holdings during 2011, were 85 thousand acres, all offshore in Russia. A total of 0.6 net development wells were completed. ExxonMobil and Rosneft signed a Strategic Cooperation Agreement in 2011, to jointly participate in exploration and development activities in Russia, the United States and other parts of the world. ExxonMobil’s net onshore acreage in Thailand concessions totaled 21 thousand during 2011. ExxonMobil’s net acreage in the Abu Dhabi offshore Upper Zakum oil concession was 81 thousand acres in 2011, with 0.6 net exploration wells completed during 2011. ExxonMobil’s net acreage in the Abu Dhabi onshore oil concession was 0.5 million acres in 2011, of which 0.4 million acres are onshore. During 2011, a total of 3.7 net development wells were completed.
ExxonMobil’s acreage holdings totaled 1.7 million net acres offshore in Australia during 2011. During 2011, a total of 1.3 net exploration wells were completed. Project construction activity for the co-venturer operated Gorgon liquefied natural gas (LNG) project progressed in 2011. The project consists of a subsea infrastructure for offshore production and transportation of the gas, and 15 million tons per year LNG facility and 280 million cubic feet per day domestic gas plant located on Barrow Island, Western Australia. A total of 0.5 million net onshore acres were held by ExxonMobil during 2011, with 0.1 net development well completed during 2011.
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