InstaTrade Stars
Show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are
Let us tell you about our friends. They may seem so different but they all have one thing in common - zeal for new accomplishments! Having already achieved a lot in life, they do not rest on laurels. Each of them has experienced not only splendid victories but also bitter failures. However, being professionals, they never give up and continue to work even harder. The best motivation is self-motivation!
Here you will find out more about InstaTrade celebrities and their remarkable stories of success.
- 8届奥运会金牌得主
- 20个世界冠军称号的拥有者
- 6次世界杯获得者
- 越野滑雪射击历史上绝对的奥运冠军
- 冬季奥运会历史上最耀眼的越野滑雪射击
- Four-time participant in Olympic Games
- Three-time Olympic Medalist in 2012 and 2016
- Six-time World Champion
- Seven-time European Champion
- Multiple record holder at European Swimming Championships
- 塞尔维亚2号网球选手(2012年)
- 最佳职业成就 - 单打世界第八,目前排名世界第九。
- 克里姆林杯得主(2011年)
- 作为塞尔维亚国家队一员赢得戴维斯杯(2010年)
- 作为塞尔维亚国家队一员两次赢得世界杯(2009, 2012)
- World Junior Chess Champion in 1987
- Winner of the Chess Oscar in 1997, 1998, 2003, 2004, 2007 and 2008
- FIDE World Champion in 2000
- Winner of FIDE Chess World Cup in 2000 and 2002
- FIDE World Rapid Chess Champion in 2003 and 2017
- World Chess Champion in 2007
- 2场WTA巡回赛的赢家
- 7个ITF锦标赛单打冠军
- 2014年中国青奥会银牌得主
- 大满贯少年单打冠军得主(法网-2014)
- 2018年印第安维尔斯大师赛亚军
- 欧洲冠军:2003, 2007, 2011
- FIBA欧洲超级杯得主:2009, 2010
- FIBA欧洲超级杯最有价值球员 2009
- 俄罗斯杯得主:2004, 2006, 2007, 2008
- 世锦赛冠军:2004, 2005, 2007
- 世锦赛最有价值球员 2007
- 世界女子篮球形象大使 2006
- 世界杯得主:2003
- 世界混合武术冠军(终极格斗锦标赛,1995年)
- 俄罗斯和欧亚大陆的多个柔术冠军
- 空军一号,1997
- 滚球,2002
- 绝地战警II,2003
- 国家宝藏,2004
- 我们拥有夜晚,2007
- 掠夺者,2010
- 盗贼的巢穴,2018
- 女子网球选手世界第一
- 前青少年网球选手世界第一
- 22次WTA锦标赛冠军
- 前女子网球双打世界第七
- 2012年伦敦奥运会冠军
- 五次大满贯决赛
- 四次大满贯冠军
- 前女子网球单打世界第一(2012)
- “2011丝绸之路拉力赛”冠军
- “2009丝绸之路拉力赛”季军
- “2008匈牙利Baja拉力赛”冠军
- “2008中欧拉力赛”季军
- “2007达喀尔拉力赛”季军
- 2012“泰拳之王”冠军
- WMC世界冠军:2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
- WDKMA世界冠军:2010
- WKN世界冠军:2004, 2005, 2009, 2011
- WKN欧洲冠军:2003
- IFMA世界冠军:2006, 2007
- Youngest player to break 2,800-Elo-rating threshold in classical chess
- Winner of 5 Chess Oscars - from 2009 to 2013
- Participant in Candidates Tournament for World Chess Championship 2007 and 2011
- Highest rated chess player with 2,882 points
- Included in Top 100 most influential people in the Titans category according to Time magazine
- Winner of World Blitz Championship 2009
- Winner of Norwegian Chess Championship 2006
- Enfusion World Champion 2018
- Enfusion World Champion 2017
- WMC Intercontinental Champion 2016
- WFCA World Champion 2015
- WMC European Champion 2013
- WMC I-1 World Champion 2010
- W5 World Champion 2010
- WPMF Intercontinental Champion 2010